Jtech Laser Diagnostics Test (BB Version)

If your laser is not firing as expected, perform the following steps.

  1. Make sure the laser driver controller is turned on. There should be a green led on the controller once you’ve turned the key and pressed the power switch. You may need to push the red ‘reset’ button on the laser driver controller to get it to turn on. Once on, the internal fan of the driver and the laser head should be spinning.

  2. Next, ensure you are running the latest firmware: Firmware Update 1.0.9 (12/17/21) (Outdated Firmware) (currently 1.0.9). For this test to work, firmware version 1.0.9 or greater MUST be installed on the controller.

  3. Select the “Laser (J Tech, etc.)” option on the dropdown on the “Tool” page of the flyout menu (starting in FW 1.0.9)
    tool configuration page

  4. Send the command M3 S1000 (max power) from the ‘mdi’ tab on the Onefinity controller and then test the voltage at a few places.

  • Test the voltage at the output of the 0nefinity controller on the “laser” connector. Unplug the cable and see on the pins what the voltage is. It should be 3.3V+. If it is not 3.3V+ there, then there is an issue with settings or the controller. Ensure that your multimeter is set to DC for the correct reading.

  • If it is 3.3V+ at the Onefinity BB controller, then plug the cable back into the Onefinity controller. Then check the voltage at the laser driver H2.
    It is here:
    You should see 3.3V+ there. If you don’t see 3.3V+ there, then it is the cable that is bad.
    If it is 3.3V+ at the Onefinity controller, then plug the cable back into the Onefinity controller. Then check the voltage at the laser driver H2. It is here:

Next, try performing the same test using this test file, measuring the voltage while the file is running.
Onefinity Laser Test V1.gcode (15.2 KB)

Once the tests are run, report back your findings to support.