Jtech Laser, Masso - won't turn on through controller but will run from gcode

I have a Masso controller and a Jtech laser. I can’t get the Masso to turn the laser on manually with any power level through the Masso controller.

However, if I load a gcode file into the Masso for the laser, it works just fine.

The trouble is, I can’t set an x and y zero precisely because I can’t turn the laser on with low power to set it.

Clearly everything is set up correctly because I can run jobs with the laser just fine. But if I give it a sXX m3 command, the yellow laser button comes on, the controller states that the laser is on, but I get nothing.

This is a new problem. With no changes to wiring or configuration, I was using the laser without issue for the past several years.

Any suggestions?