(Aiph5u (not affiliated with Onefinity))
Hey Festdewalkita,
I don’t think you can say Buildbotics “is based on” LinuxCNC. You can say the Onefinity Controller is based on the Buildbotics Controller, because the Onefinity Controller is a software and a hardware fork of the Buildbotics Controller (bbctrl-firmware, bbctrl-pcb → onefinity-firmware, onefinity-pcb).
So you could only say Buildboticsis based onLinuxCNC the same way you would say that LinuxCNC is based on the FANUC CNC Mill Controller. In software, usually if you say “based on”, you mean that you somehow took the software and recycle some of the code. But the softwares mentioned here are not based on the other, the developers just tried to pattern their g-code dialect after the other.