Hey Gabriel,
to learn how to use this discourse.org forum, write a message to this robot with the content “start tutorial” and then “start advanced tutorial”.
If you have Trust Level “New” (0) you cannot
- Send personal messages to other users
- “Reply as new topic” via Link button (UI removed)
- Flag posts
- Post more than 1 image
- Post any attachments
- Post more than 2 hyperlinks in a post
- Have actual links in the ‘about me’ field of your profile (will be silently and temporarily converted to plain text)
- Mention more than 2 users in a post
- Post more than 3 topics
- Post more than 10 replies
- Edit your own posts after more than 24 hours
But you can reach Trust Level “Basic” very easily by:
- Entering at least 5 topics
- Reading at least 30 posts
- Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts
If you reached “Basic” " this way, you can:
- Use all core Discourse functions; all new user restrictions are removed
- Send private messages
- Upload images and attachments
- Edit wiki posts
- Flag posts
- Mute other users
In the message composition window, you have icons in the top bar which allow you to quote, make text bold, make text italic, insert a link, mark a text block as quoting, upload a file from your computer that will be inserted in your post (can be a mp4 video too), insert a list, insert a numbered list, insert an emoji or icon, insert date/time, and finally adjust some things (depending on your level).
Welcome to the forum!