Laser intermittently flickering

My jtech 7w pro has been working great. All of a sudden it’s flickering on and off during a burn. It almost seems like there is a loose connection somewhere. I’ve disconnected and reconnected everything and restarted the laser module. Still having the same issues. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Is it missing spots on the carve?

Yes it is totally missing spots on the carve

When you do a multi-pass cut, does it flicker in the exact locations every pass? Mine did this, J-Tech sent me a new laser controller unit. The second one did the same thing, the third one had no problems.

No. It’s variable. It’s flickering differently every time.

Does it flicker when you manually slide the switch to turn the laser on?

I was incorrect on my first response. During a cut mine did flicker at different locations, although many of the flickering/skipping were at the exact locations on each pass. So, no matter how many passes, I could not cut through.

If I recall my flickering problems happened when I ran the laser over 95%. Here are photos of the tests I ran.
Test #1: 1/2" square 6-passes 100%, no problems.
Test #2: 1/2" square with 4 (0.2) circles within the square, 6-passes 100%. Frontside the corners of square did not cut and the laser skipped one circle entirely. Backside was even worse. (flickering at different locations)

Test #3: With the third new laser controller, perfect every time.

Mine did the same. They sent me a new controller overnight. That fixed it for me. I could tap the box and get it to work, so I knew it was the controller.