Learn your cnc course update

I am taking the learn your cnc course and wow. I am learning it . so far i am passing the quizzes they give at the end of each section. i am even learning new things about stuff i have already been using. It seems very thorough. and so far worth the money. I would lov eto talk to others who are taking or have taken the course.


I haven’t signed up for the course, but I did sign up for his newsletter. I’ve been doing CNC for a while now, but I never fail to learn something from the newsletter video or his copious YouTube catalog.

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We’re is this course, I am newbie and could use it.

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ok I am finally done with level one in the learn your cnc course and passed my quizzes. on to level 2 of seven

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go to learn your cnc.com itis a great course and not too expensive .In fact i will probably save money in time and broken bits. lol


I too am taking a course … only mine is at a community college. In the USA most colleges/universities offer FREE course to people over 60. I do have to pay a lab fees etc. But I am running Haas CNCs.

I will admit it is focused on metals, but I am learnig a LOT about GCode an feel much better about comparing the Buildbotics to the Masso controller.


Your link takes me to a webpage that says “Coming soon”.

Try https://www.learnyourcnc.com/
That should get you there.

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hello fellow learners. I have not been doing the course this past week due to having cataract surgery on my right. eye Next week I get my left one done and suddenly I will be far sighted instead of near sighted LOL so Then I get new glasses (or reading) but then I will be back on the course.

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