Less machine troubleshooting, more operator troubleshooting

So recently I noticed that I was getting some pretty serious gouging in my spoilboard that I never used to get. Same zeroing procedure, no new bits, programs that were proven good…I couldn’t figure it out.

I thought long and hard and realized the issue started when I started using these cam clamps I made.

So I took a closer look at the clamp situation and discovered my problem

The bolts I was using are 1/8" too long and were lifting up my spoilboard!

Moral of the story, the machine is only as good as it’s input and this monkey in shoes is still learning!



Great story, thanks for sharing! I’ve tried just about every clamping system, and or rig out there… why? Well, why not. You don’t know if what your’re using is as good as what you’re not using; until you give it a ‘go’

Sometimes we improvise along the way and discover better ways of doing things. And my all time favorite: we soak up as much as possible from monkeys who share their missteps on forums.

P.S. Keep those shoes shined, okay.



I have done the something. I have changed my table so the holes extend through my table so the screws will not bottom out it also keeps the dust from collecting in the hole and causing the same issue.

I did something similar to scottjritt but I put the threaded inserts in the table under the waste board and then used the screws through the wasteboard into the table below to hold the waste board in place, 125 of them total. When I need to clamp something I can remove one of the screws from the appropriate location where I need to attach the clamp or fixture and then reinstall it through the clamp or fixture. This also ensures the bit can’t hit the threaded inserts unless I did something really wrong and cut all the way through my wasteboard.

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I built a torsion box table and so I’m really not wanting to fill it full of holes. I will likely use my current spoilboard as a base for the new one when I get to that point and then bolt length will matter less.

Same here, I built a torsion box for it… although I’ll need to make a new one when the journeyman at some point.

Yes I will also have to build a new table for the journeyman also. LOL

OE, or Operating Experience.

You share what you know or learned works or didn’t work from past jobs so others can learn from your successes and mistakes. Both have value.

Too often we only share what went right. It’s difficult to say something went wrong and it may have been your fault. But those are some of the lessons that stick with us the longest.

When you’re about to hit the START button and your Spidey Sense goes off don’t be afraid to stop and double check everything and ask yourself this question; “what could go wrong?”.

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