Live Edge Man Cave Sign

I was originally planning to make a live edge cribbage board from this piece of walnut but after I got it cleaned up I decided the blemish in the middle was too large and would interfere too much with the hole pattern. Since it wasn’t going to work for a cribbage board I decided to make a wall sign for my son-in-law. Used my CNC to digitize the profile so I could locate the text appropriately. Imported the points around the perimeter into my CAD software, created splines through the points, and then exported the sketches to a DXF file. Imported the DXF file into VCarve and then added the text. I thought the rustic look of the live edge was appropriate for a man cave!


Same here, retired needing something to do. Make signs for me and others as my brother owns a large sign company and I can pick up scrap from him. We also have a vinyl cutter for lettering tool boxes and signs. Just a lot of fun.

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