Lots of Wonderful Signs...has anyone used their CNC for something other than signs?

Awesome, thanks for the tips! Please post pics once finished!

My son wanted me to make him foam inserts for his flight case toolbox. I said i would if he created the profiles, which he did very well. He used illustrator, set his screen to actual size, held his tools against the screen and traced them with the pen tool.

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Been working on this one for a while…learning alot about creating heightmaps. Tricks are getting harder for this old dog to learn. There was just as much work/time in finishing as on the 1F.

This was only going to be a prototype, to be followed by a solid slab version, but after applying the finish I think this maple butcher-block version is the keeper instead. That may still happen though as I’m not pleased with my approach for the cross piece on the base…should have applied an odd angle rather than just 90 degrees as well as used a darker non-contrast wood.


That’s incredible Phil!!

I’m impressed for the mere fact that you didnt have any tear away areas.

Ha ha, you are right. There was only one small piece that broke off but even that was due to being a bit too aggressive handling it post carving. Because it was two sided I had to have a sacrificial edge on each side so that helped by making the cut-off almost the last step before finish was applied.

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Part two of my tool drawer organization.


Can’t decide which bottle opener to use?


Very organised.

I keep my tools separated on a bed of saw dust.:grin: and i always have hope; hope that somewhere in that deep draw piled high with tools and stuff is the bit im looking for.


Hey Andy,

Chaos is order on a very high level :slight_smile:

Sometimes I’m downright surprised at all the tools I’ve apparently already bought when I’m looking through such a pile


Choices, it’s all about choices.


Usually I find the ones I’ve previously bought only after I’ve purchased a new replacement after looking fruitlessly for the one I know I have.


Hey Jim,

this happened to me half a year ago, but I had forgot that I already bought it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. Fortunately I could cancel it before they had sent it… :cold_sweat: Now I study my previous orders list before ordering something… :slight_smile:

This happens when you order things while you’re not in the situation to use them immediately

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Since I don’t have a 3d printer and was getting frustrated with knocking the monitor off the included bracket, I make a little something out of wood. Had to order some other accessories to go with it, but so far so good.



I like it, simple and clean!
I use both but will take wood over plastic any day.

I laugh at this, only because I can directly relate and brings to mind a funny story. In 2016 I had an unfortunate garage fire in which I lost pretty much everything (including my beautiful 2014 single-cab, short-bed, hemi-powered, 4x4 black Ram pickup). Anyway, the ensuing Amazon orders (and returns) were at a furious pace replacing stuff. One day I came home from work and found an Amazon box on the table. I was like: “Sweet! More stuff from Amazon!” I swiftly slice open the box, only to discover (and quickly remember) it was a box of stuff I was returning to Amazon. :roll_eyes:


Hey Bill,

wow, this is bad, loosing the workshop and your car. I wish that fire gives you a wide berth around your house, garage and your workshop in the future!

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Thank you @Aiph5u. The blessing in disguise was that’s what prompted me to hit the workshop ‘reset’ button and I got my X-Carve, thus starting the long & rewarding path of CNC routers. This is where it all began (for me, anyway). It’s been a long and really rewarding journey so far.

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Hey Bill,

so this is still in Michigan? I see the lawn mower :slight_smile:

I can confirm from my experience that sometimes being forced to leave something behind is the beginning of something new!

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I’m rolling on the floor now! LOL (not about the loss though!)

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