Motor resolution change - manual update?

Can anyone think of any reason not to just manually update the settings on the Masso F1 Setup screen rather than doing a new onefinity “Elite Series Masso Machine Settings” download / update. I’ve got a spindle, touch probe and rotary all working nicely and configured, and would prefer not to start fiddling with it all again :wink:

Is it just the settings which are outlined in the " Service Bulletin For Elite Masso Stepper Motor Resolution Change"? If so seems pretty easy to just update those items manually (Service Bulletin For Elite Masso Stepper Motor Resolution Change - #5 by OnefinityCNC)

If you do it manually, you won’t be able to enjoy working out all the bugs that so many have been troubled with.


I did it manually a few weeks ago, although I took my machine to 4000 PPR. Easy peasy, no problems.

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No bugs are in the change.

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I played with the resolution early on after I received mine a few months ago. I had no problems just changing the dip switches and going into the each axis dialogue to change each motor resolution under F1.

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Yes. They made this more complicated than it needed to be. I’m sure I am not the only one who lost all their tool data. Mitchell has a quick video showing the simple way to do it.

Did a make a noticeable difference. Glad i made the changes. The only manual change i had to make was updating my zero tool setter location. Other than that it it got rid of the noise i was hearing when doing cylindircal movements. Seems much smoother now…


I have a similar setup and situation.

Manually changing the resolution is not an issue; I would go as far as to say easier. There are three fields to update. I also did the M6 tool change park position change.

The fresh file install is useful for new-ish installs before the date quoted.

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You can save your tool settings I think, unless this update over rides these. I haven’t looked into it properly yet.

Hey Dennis,
I’m on version 5.6 and Onefinity says to upgrade to 5.07. I tried that and followed all the stipulations with the usb flash drive (under 32 gig, formatted to fat32, made sure I downloaded the proper software for the Elite Journeyman 48x32. Made sure the file names did not change, created the two directories on the flash drive which are case sensitive, basically following the procedure. Now, I did the install after setting the dip switches on the motors and I did not get an error message but the firmware still shows as 5.06. So, I’m hoping if i change the motor resolutions on the F1 screen, it will work. But, I’m guessing the firmware version will remain 5.06?


iHey Frank, I can’t imagine that changing the PPR settings would somehow magically update the Masso software version for you. My inclination would be to solve the version-update problem before proceeding.

My controller was shipped to me with 5.07 already installed, so I didn’t have to deal with the software upgrade. But when tracking down a different problem, I ran across a Masso post advising to use only name-brand USB memory sticks, stating that unbranded generic ones are known to cause problems. Which description appears to accurately describe the USB stick that Onefinity shipped with my Elite upgrade. So I ordered a lifetime supply (aka a 3-pack) of SanDisk 32 MB FAT32 sticks from Amazon for $16. Like wearing a garlic necklace to ward off vampires, it might not help, but it probably can’t hurt.

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The firmware is not the same as the configuration. They are two different things. (it was in the top heading in the software part of the change release).

How to install Firmware here:


Ahhh. So by following the steps for changing the motor resolution is NOT updating the firmware. That is a separate thing. So if I update to 5.07 from 5.06 do I need to redo the motor resolution change?

Ok. I thought when following the motor resolution steps, the files I downloaded were firmware files. So what I gather then, it just changed the settings for the resolution. Not the firmware. Thank you Dennis.

Yes every time you update firmware you will


Thanks for the info. All is good now! I have the correct firmware, the new settings are in the controller and I’m off to the races! Thanks Onefinity!


Thanks for your help, Dennis. All is good now! Now I’m running 5.07 and the motor resolution steps are complete. Time to get working!

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Again, thanks for your help. I wanted to do this upgrade because I have a project I want to start that has lots of detail and curves so this update is right up my alley. I have one issue and its not life altering but it kind of freaks me out. After making my first cut with a 1/4" EM and then loading the next cut file which requires a 1/8" EM, using the standard touch probe to get Z position, pushing the rewind button on the F2 screen before hitting cycle start, the router, before the change, would after hitting cycle start, warn to ensure the proper bit was installed. Then I would hit cycle start and the router would go to the home position from where I used the touch probe, then move to begin the carve. I got used that. Now though after loading the file, changing the bit, probing for Z, Hitting rewind, and finally cycle start, the router takes off from where I probed for Z and it moves at high speed to the centre of the machine, then it warns me to make sure I have the proper bit installed, and then travels to the home position before beginning the next toolpath. That kind of freaks me out (not overly so, but I wasn’t sure what was going on. I would rather have it so it did not do that. I prefer to use the touch probe and change bits wherever I feel is the best position on my project to do that, and that position changes according to what happening with the project at that time (Such as pouring epoxy because I can’t probe where there is epoxy. I don’t mill it after every epoxy pour. I wait until all the epoxy is poured into the various cuts. I know it is a simple setting change to make it behave as before, but, which one? And by the way, the motor resolution change itself is fantastic!
(I just reread the service bulletin and found out that the tool change postion was set to x=24, y=0, and z at the highest position. If I disable that, will it behave as it did before? Where I can change my bit wherever I want? I mean, to change the bit at a certain spot is fine, I could change the X position because I have a space for a vertical table at that spot. Although I would just rather change the bit, right where I probe for Z, then after “rewinding” the toolpath and hitting cycle start, seeing the warning to ensure the proper tool is in the collet, then hitting cycle start again to confirm bit change, it will just go to home (0,0). Then start to move to where it needs to cut.)

Thanks in advance.


I am running the latest firmware, I performed the Motor Resolution Update as described (followed the video and instructions) but now when I am doing very simplistic carves, (i.e. cutting squares and rectangles), I get a lot of Soft Limit errors, sometime midway through the g-code and sometimes at the very first couple of lines of g-code. I’ve been running my machine for about a year now and never had any soft limit errors until this upgrade. I am considering going back to the old motor configuration if I can’t get this resolved so I thought, might as well see if anyone else has experienced anything similar since upgrading the motors.

Sounds like either your dip switches are not right or you didn’t upload the right machine size configuration or a combo of both. (my guess is the machine think’s it’s smaller than it is or the ball screw pitch is different than it’s set to).

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