Moving the origin point for probing

Brilliant and many thanks for sharing all that gcode!

This is great. Whenever I need to probe a different corner (4 and six sided carves), I use a 1-2-3 block instead of the stock. This can save some mental 3D geometry processing to ensure I place the blocks and pick the appropriate corner correctly :smiley:

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One thing to note with changing the file like this, is that the calculation for the bit offset is off. I’ll dig into it more to see if I can find where they do the math and see what I can change in there. Right now I just added the offset to the probe block size and will have to keep that in mind if I use a different size bit

My foreman elite wants to probe in the upper right hand corner. Even in the owners manual it states that’s the default probe location. I want to probe at the lower left hand corner. I just don’t know how to change it.

This is my probe settings now.

I needed to probe something myself from the bottom right. I created my own modifiable gcode to do this. Feel free to copy it and modify the params as you need:

#<diameter> = 6.35
#<zoffset> = 15
#<blockxoffset> = 9.55
#<blockyoffset> = 9.4
#<xoffset> = [#<blockxoffset> + #<diameter>/2.0]
#<yoffset> = [#<blockyoffset> + #<diameter>/2.0]
#<zlift> = 10
#<fastseek> = 75
#<slowseek> = 25
#<plunge> = [#<zlift>+.75*#<zoffset>]

G92 X0 Y0 Z0

G38.2 Z -25 F[#<fastseek>]
G91 G1 Z 1
;G38.2 Z -2 F[#<slowSeek>]

G92 Z [#<zOffset>]

G91 G0 Z [#<zlift>]

G91 G0 X 20

G91 G0 Z [-#<plunge>]

G38.2 X -20 F[#<fastseek>]

G91 G1 X 1
;G38.2 X -2 F[#<slowseek>]
G92 X [#<xoffset>]

G91 G0 X 5
G91 G0 Y -20
G91 G0 X -20
G38.2 Y 20 F[#<fastseek>]
G91 G1 Y -1
;G38.2 Y 2 F[#<slowseek>]
G92 Y [-#<yoffset>]

G91 G0 Y -10
G91 G0 Z 25
G90 G0 X0 Y0


I guess I should restate or clarify what I want to do. I want to probe for zero at the lower left hand corner of the work piece. And I think the f1 is supposed to probe the upper right hand corner of the touch probe. Buy when I tap the upper right hand corner on the probe screen, X and Y start moving to the upper right corner of the work piece. Actually, it doesn’t matter where I tell it to probe. Everything starts moving to the upper right corner of the work piece. Am

Hey Raymond,

have you read the Documentation about corner probing on the Masso website?

And watched the Onefinity manufacturer’s video about using the XYZ Touch plate on the Elite Masso G3 controller?

Hey Raymond,

I’m not sure if you understand how the XYZ Touch plate works. As you can see here, with the default settings that take into account the previously stored dimensions (probe offsets) of the XYZ Touch plate, you position the bit where the red dot for rear right corner tells you to on the display, so it probes the right rear corner of the touch plate, but because of the way you positioned the touch plate on the workpiece, this will result in probing the front left corner of the workpiece (see images below). This is because if you take into account how you put the touch plate on the workpiece, this is clearly the front left corner, and the zero coordinate that will result from the probing procedure performed this way will be, with the stored probe offsets automatically subtracted, the one of your workpiece’s top front left corner.

Remember, probing workpiece zero is just telling the machine where this coordinate is on the real workpiece. It is just a X,Y,Z value that the machine will take as the new temporary workpiece origin coordinate when running the g-code program.

Regarding Z, if in your 3D model you have your workpiece zero on the lower left corner and not on the top left corner, which means, you have it on machine bed, you got to probe Z not with the touch plate on top of the workpiece, but with the touch plate flipped over upside down somewhere away from the workpiece, on machine bed.

Note that you used the word “top” and “lower” wrongly I believe. What is the top on the display here, is the rear on the machine. Top means “the top of your workpiece”, and bottom or lower means “the underside of the workpiece”, the machine bed.

How did I explain it, was it understandable?

Image 1: Selecting to probe the outside rear right corner.
Image 2: Positioning the probe (=the bit) at the red dot starting point as shown on display.

Image 3: Description of the procedure on the MASSO Documentation website.

:warning: PS: Note that this thread is for using the XYZ Touch Plate on the buildbotics-derived Onefinity Controller of the Original X-35/X-50 Series, which can only probe front left corner. The original poster and the follow-ups show scripts that allow to probe on the other corners too. For an Elite MASSO G3 user, this thread is useless as the MASSO offers a wide range of probing procedures including using the Touch Plate on front, rear, left, right corners by default.

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Your help has been great, with your input I was able to figure out my problem. And it was all user error, I never hit the inside/outside button.
Thanks buddy.

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