My new machine won't center the design

I’ve been happily carving away for over a week now, but this morning my machine won’t center my designs. It puts them all at the top right of the workpiece. Here’s a picture of an image thats on the bottom of the control screen on my laptop:

This is a file a ran about a dozen of last week and they worked perfectly but now it’s showing up off center. Every file in my history is like this. Anyone know what is going on?

You do not say if this is the buildbotics controller or the newer Elite series.
This looks like the preview picture on the buidlbotics. If that is the case then nothing is wrong. The white lines are not your stock piece. They are the limits of the tool travel. Since your tool does not travel to the upper right limit of your stock piece then the white lines will not go there. It looks like the origin is set to the lower left corner of the stock. That is why the white lines went there.
This often confuses people.
Just make sure the origin point in your CAM software matches the origin point on your stock piece.

Now if you are saying that you cut a piece and it came out not centered then you need to check your origins.
It is a good habit to recheck your origin after you set the origin.- Set the origin - move away from the origin - hit the X0 Y0 button to bring it back to the origin.


Thank you so much!.. I did some testing and you are absolutely correct. It’s just the preview image that shows up as being off…machine cuts just fine. I guess I just didn’t notice it before. Sorry for hitting the panic button. :slight_smile:

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