I have been designing several projects awaiting for my CNC. I bought VCarve Desktop and have been learning all i can from it use. I bought a couple of design and make and have been using to make some 3D projects. Here are a few photos of the designs.
These are nice and you should do them but if this is your first you might want to start off with a hello world type project.
Could not agree more with Mark… starting off your first carves with 3D work is asking for a lot of headaches. I’d start off with a few signs, cutouts etc. until you get a few projects under your belt.
But your designs are AMAZING!
Thank you, I have been playing with V carve desktop just making whatever comes to mind. For my first projects will be a sign I already created, as well as other simpler designs
Nice work. Didn’t know you could do that wavy stuff in the desktop version… hmmm In Carveco I need to go up to Maker+. Might have to give it a look. Don’t have a machine to play with yet
When is your machine due?
My machine is due second week of January. I got everything ready for it arrival
Lucky you… mine mid March