Onefinity CNC connected to Openbuilds controller


I am in the process of connecting my HD3 Shark to an Openbuilds controller. I mentioned this to a friend of mine that has an Onefinity CNC. He was wondering if the Openbuilds controller would work with his machine. Has anyone do this?

If anyone is interested, I got my stepper motors and router hooked up to the Openbuilds control. Everything there is appears to be working great. I am waiting delivery of 3 limit switches that I ordered on Saturday. After I get that working I plan on enclosing everything. I don’t know if anyone would be interested in how I did this.

Why would we want to do this? Onefinity stuff is Great, no issues

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Hey johnny22,

in principle you can run a Onefinity Chassis on any CNC controller. Ordering such a chassis without CNC controller is a selectable option for PRO and Original Series. You however need not only a CNC controller but also all the stepper drivers then. And the power supply, relay box, etc.

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If it was an upgrade of some kind I might be able to see going through the hassle but I really don’t get why you would want to do this when the machine comes with a perfectly good plug and play system. And if you do want to upgrade, there’s the plug and play Masso. I’d rather be making stuff than customizing my machine but that’s me.

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I have used the open-builds blackbox and the blackboxX32. It is an all in one solution like the buildbotics controller.

it is highly configurable and they also have a “free” cam program.


open-builds looks very nice wish it had ethernet.