Onefinity Woodworker for sale, in Ontario or western Quebec (sold)

I have to sell my Onefinity Woodworker due to life threating diagnoses, it comes with many extra’s. beautiful machine, I hoped I could keep it, but it’s not to be. If you are considering ordering one and would like to get it sooner than later please PM me and we can discuss. Thanks in advance Stephen Jensen.


Can you give a list of what’s in the package and how much you’re looking to get?

Hopes and prayer Stephen for a recovery.

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That just sucks. I’m sure you have wonderful support around you. I would like to offer my limited skills if there is a specific project you wanted to do on your 1 F. Just let me know what it is and I will do my best to complete it and ship it to you.
May God bless

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Thanks for your kind words and prayers, there’s lots I’d like to do but unfortunately I won’t be afforded the time. Thanks again Stephen

Hi Onefinity users here’s a list of what I would like to sell as a package deal to anyone who is interested.

I hope this works, Thanks again Stephen

Hello Stephen,
So sorry to hear about your health issues. Prayers to you and your family! Have you sold your Onefinity Woodworker yet? I am going to order a Journeyman in the next few days and saw your post. Can you send some details and a price?
Thanks, DJ

Thanks for your Prayers, very disappointed that I have to sell it, I was really starting to enjoy using it. Where are you located? I like to sell it locally if possible as I really can’t afford shipping out of Canada

Thanks for the reply! What are you asking for this package? Depending on your price, I may be able to cover shipping costs. I am in North Carolina, USA. Thanks!

I’d like to get over $ 4000.00 Canadian, I think I can the Vectric V-Carve Pro software transferred to you

Thanks to all, for all the prayers and well wishes, which where much appreciated. I was lucky enough to sell my Onefinity " Woodworker " and all accessories to a someone in the Montreal area, Thanks so much Stephen Jensen