Onefinity Woodworker Machine Shipping & Packing List

I wanted to have a full packing list put together for my own reference, and I thought I’d share that here. This list applies to the Woodworker version, and I think I have everything covered. I didn’t specifically include options/accessories though I noted which box mine came in.

This is either a good checklist for people receiving their machines or a spoiler alert for people waiting :slight_smile: I included wire lengths, box sizes and weights as well.


Packing List Onefinity Woodworker.pdf (26.0 KB)


the link appears broken.

@OnefinityCNC Thanks for the heads-up. I think it’s working now!

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This is awesome! Do you mind if we make it a FAQ?

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Thanks @ACNailedit - im waiting for mine to arrive and all this info is very helpful! :+1:

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@OnefinityCNC Absolutely, that probably makes the most sense too.

Sure, glad to share. Enjoy the machine when it arrives!

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Do you have these info for Onefinity Journeyman X-50

@OnefinityCNC may have one made. I put this together when I received my Woodworker (now called X35 I think).