I was so excited that on saturday I found my new CNC on my porch. I moved it to the garage to to begin building my unit. On the X axis the Z slider had plastic wrap buried in the (what I would call the pillow block). It happened during shipping. the Z slider must have moved and rolled over the plastic wrap. I tried carefully to remove the plastic but it was stuck. I had to wait until Monday to call support. The recording told me to email support. So I did WITH PICTURES. The first email was received by
Becky and she thanked me for the picture. Now I have sent the first picture along with a second picture and support keeps telling me there were no pictures. But Becky saw them. I have sent them multiple times and I still get the comment there are no pictures attached. I am confused and frustrated.
Hey Douglas,
which E-Mail client do you use?
Post pictures here and then email support this forum link. That might help.
I have sent these pictures SEVERAL TIMES. The company I work for is IT challenged but not this bad.
Hey Douglas,
I think you should await the answer from support@onefinitycnc.com .
But if you had no warranty, I think you would solve it this way: You would fix the plastic wrap on the tube (e.g. with a fishing line around the rail, close to the slider) while trying to move the slider so that it finally comes out, then I would await a replacement linear bearing as the lip may have been damaged.
But please, do nothing, await the reply from @onefinitycnc.
Possibly they will send you an entire X-50 rail as replacement.
As was mentioned, wait for official support answer, but I would loosen the set screws holding the linear bearing in the housing and push the bearing out (opposite direction of exposed wrap). It may be easier then to do as @Aiph5u suggested by holding onto the wrap while pushing/rotating the bearing. That should clear it, then slide bearing back in and retighten the set screws. The bearings should be a slip fit with the housing, very slight press fit at most.
Hey Tom,
you are totally right
What type of screw is holding the bearing?
Thank you all for your help. I removed the 4 allens on the bottom. They were 2.5 mm in size… That allowed the bearing to move out of the housing. From there I was able to manipulate the plastic and remove it.
TMT Toronto and @Allph5u much thanks to both of you. I did receive an email from support tell me to do the same thing
What type of screw is holding the bearing?