Ok, Is there any reason to purchase the X50 Woodworker over the X-35 beside I just want it cause it’s new. I’m starting off small, craving for friends and family. Maybe grow it out more in the future, who knows.
So, save the $300, or get the X-50 and grow from there. Doubt I’d need or want a larger machine in the future either way. Just want to make the best informed decision to start with. Thanks for any feedback.
Get the best you can afford, if you’re serious in your pursuits.
If you’re dabbling, start small, just don’t blame me later
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I don’t recall seeing anyone say “I wish my CNC was smaller or less capable”. But I do often see machines being offered for sale so the owner can trade up to a larger one or more capable machine.
If you ever get into doing some work on aluminum or brass, the extra ooomph of the X-50 will be good insurance. Beefier rail, extra torque, faster speeds. The $300 is spent once, the usefulness of the upgrade is always going to be there.
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At this cost, I’m leaning towards the X-50.
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