Question on Elite X&Y Axis settings

I have a Woodworker x-50, with 16mm ballscrews on Y and X.

After loading the new config, and setting the motors to 2000, the machine is moving correctly, however I see that the X axis is set to 0.629920, Y is set to 0.393701(This doesnt seem right…) and the Z is also set to 0.393701.

My Y-axis screw is definitely is the same 16mm as my Y axis, yet setting the Y-Axis to 0.629920 results in distorted movement.

I’ll leave it at the .393701 that results in the correct movement, I was just wondering about the discrepancy.


Look closer at the X axis lead screw, it may be the same diameter but the pitch is probably different, hold a black sharpie in to root of the thread and turn one revolution on both screws and you can see the difference if there is any. With multi lead screw they may look the same without checking.

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That makes total sense, thanks Pat.