Revolution size and mounting

Are there any mechanical drawings available (base size and mounting) for the revolution series? So we can have our wasteboards/machines ready for Janurary deliveries

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Second that request. Looking for this information as well. Thanks for bringing this forward!

Third that request…for a third time.

I’ve noticed that there needs to be a certain “noise level” before 1F will actually address something. We need more people asking the question. There are a lot of folks out there waiting to modify their tables. Speak up folks!

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I am rebuilding my washboard to accommodate the 4th axis Rotary for my Woodworker Elite. Need some basic information about the unit.

This is all there is so far.

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I am wondering if an alignment along the Y axis is possible with a height of 4.5"

And I’m wondering how it will connect to the masso. A splitter to share the Y or B port? Or will we have to get back there and swap the connection every time we use it? How long will the cables be?

They are well aware that many people are waiting for answers to several questions. There is a reason these questions go unanswered.

It is my understanding that we will not have to swap connections. I believe that this is a true 4th axis

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This is where terminology might create some confusion. Where I come from, “true 4th axis”, “live 4th axis”, “rotary”, and “indexer” are all different things. This thing is really a 3.5 axis unless you have the software to drive a “true” 4 axis. It’s not a 4th axis unless you can move X, Y, Z, and A at the same time. “Wrapped” machining isn’t 4 axis machining.

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