Hey Greg,
You can take the US 110 V Elite power supply box and change the internal input voltage of the Meanwell LRS-350 to 220 V. All DC output of the Meanwell will not be affected (relays, stepper motor power, supply for Masso G3 controller). But then you would power the supply box with your 240 V circuit/socket. That would lead to the situation that the left, router NEMA 5 socket on the Elite supply box would deliver 220 V. You would need a 220 V router, the international Makita RT0702C then. But it has a CEE 7/7 plug or a BS 1363 (Type G) plug. I also don’t think the safety regulations allow 220 V to be put on a NEMA 5 outlet, as they are only available in 120 V household power in North America. You would have to exchange the NEMA 5 socket on the Elite power supply box by one of these 220 V sockets.
Only the “vacuum” socket has its own input and could remain at 110 V.
So the more simple alternative would be to wire the router relay (switched side of the relay) internally so that it is fed by the vacuum power input, then it would remain at 110 V.
Image: From left to right: red rectangle: Step-down converter for 36 V to 24 V for the stepper motors, DC power supply for Masso G3 Touch controller, yellow rectangle: board’s 36 V input from Meanwell DC output, vacuum relay, router relay, power pushbutton. lower row: DC connectors with fuses for supplying five stepper motors.
Here you can get 24 V DC for five stepper drivers and motors, that are produced by a step-down converter from the 36 V version of the Meanwell LRS-350 switching power supply inside.
Image 2: Elite Series control cables from CNC controller to power supply