Seeking Advice For Restoring Front To Back Tilt

Hey Andy, hey John @jnordyke, hey BJ, hey SkyKam, hey all,

I think John rather means the Guide Tramming - Front To Back in the FAQ category, is this right John?

I haven’t used these tramming bolts yet, but that sounds logical. It think (hope) it can be assumed that the machined holes holding the hollow shafts in the X feet are of good precision and that the screws are of identical length.

How do you measure? Do you have a tool to check perpendicularity between router axle and table surface like this, this, this, this or this (no guarantee for ascending price order) :slight_smile: ?

Or do you check your accuracy by looking at the patterns your surfacing bit makes, like here?

That sounds logical. The weight of the router/milling motor and of the Z Assembly, in conjunction with tolerance in the linear bushings and bending of the linear shafts both in X and then in Y axes might add to an error even if tramming bolts hold the X shafts in a centered position in their holes.

Did you check this: Support: Removing Twist From The Onefinity Rails?

Also did you do something to ensure flatness and coplanarity of your machine’s base (=table or QCW frame) before both the tramming step and the surfacing step?

Did you surface already?

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