Shipping ETA on 64W laser?

Has anyone gotten/seen any indication on when the new 64W lasers will ship? I don’t follow social media stuff, so If they’ve posted I wouldn’t have seen it.

The only thing I’ve seen is the blurb “First Units Expected To December 2024” on the product website.



Hi @stuckinohio,
Have you seen the Onefinity Current Lead Times web page? It currently says “4-8 Weeks”. To the best of my knowledge this is the only information that Onefinity provides. You may also find the forum posts from Onefinity Support Leader in the “Shipping Schedule Question” topic helpful.

Personally I find Onefinity’s order status communication to be sub-par for 2024. The My Orders page in one’s account should really have a shipping estimate.

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I had not. Thank you for the info! Except its kind of depressing… :frowning:

I can relate to your feelings @stuckinohio. My order has a ~8 week lead time too. I’m curious to know why their lead times are so long. I think Onefinity charges all customers at the time of order. From what I’ve read, Onefinity should get that money in just a few days. Therefore, Onefinity has the cash from our orders months before they ship them! I wonder if Onefinity is waiting to order from its suppliers until they have the cash from our purchases. Even if they are not, I would think they would find someway to put that money to work rather than let it sit in a checking account.

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The jtech orders likely are fulfilled by jtech, i would expect. It would be illogical for onefinity to stock them (importing to Canada then exporting them back to their largest customer base). I would reach out to Jtech Photonics, who have always been helpful and responsive.

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First units are expected to ship sometime this Month.
After the first unit ship, there is a 4-8 week lead time.