I just installed a 80mm air cooled spindle on my recently upgraded Woodworker to the Elite system.
On my first cut the spindle started upon loading a file and pressing cycle start. Spindle went to the wrong location even though xyz were set using the probe - probably user error and something I need to sort out. However upon probing again and starting the job over again (did rewind the file before cut) the spindle did not turn on and attempted to perform the cut. Hit the emergency stop as soon as I could, but this resulted in a blown fuse (10A 250V) in the Elite power supply. Set the spindle on the VFD to operate on manual and the spindle operates fine, so nothing wrong with the spindle.
Replaced the fuse today and set the VFD back to Auto. Turn the power on the VFD. Turned on the Elite power supply, cycled the emergency stop and homed the machine. Go to the F2 page on the Masso and press spindle CW. The spindle does not turn. I can hear a click in the Elite power supply when I press the CW button and click again when I press the spindle stop button.
All wires and connectors are tight. I could use some help in what to try next.
That click is likely the relay for the auto router (not spindle) on/off. Are you attempting to plug your VFD into the 1F power supply? It needs to be plugged into a wall outlet, non-GFI, and preferably on a separate circuit from your 1F and dust collection. From there, the VFD connects to the back of the Masso via an included data cable. The VFD should have the settings for using auto spindle via this connection. Perhaps I am misunderstanding and this is how you already have it set up?
As for the incorrect location on job start, where is your job origin relative to where you are probing? (Center, lower left corner, other?) Is there anything at the start of your Gcode that would be switching you to another coordinate system? (G54-59)?
Yes, the spindle control cable is connected to the bottom spindle port of the Masso, not the Elite PS. The VFD is connected to a separate circuit wall outlet. The Spindle CW button on the F2 screen should activate the spindle to show that the spindle is ready and operating properly. All I get is a click from the Elite PS when I press the Spindle CW and another click when pressing Spindle Stop.
I always set job origin to lower left and I probe at the same location.
I believe the offset defaults to G54 if I am not mistaken. I have made no changes to the offsets.
Appreciate your help, but I am at a loss to correct my problem. Yes, I can use the machine by running the spindle on manual from the VFD, but that is not how I should have to operate it.
When you select the spindle CW, did you enter a speed? It must be entered in the blank box to the right of the CW button. Otherwise, you get clockwise zero speed.
The spindle is configured on the F1 screen… This was done when first installed a few days ago, I forgot that I had done so.
What I did not do is test the spindle function from the Masso controller using the MDI command s6000 and then pressing the Spindle CW button as suggested by the VFD instructions. Worked like a charm.
Okay, so the Masso controller is playing nice with the spindle. Too late to try more tonight. Tomorrow more testing and running the same file from a few days ago.
Sorry, I missed your email. Initially, yes, but I believe that may have been with the blown fuse. Later, I forgot to do so. Realized this later as my post reports further in the thread. Still getting used to the Masso controller vs Build Botics controller and Makita router. Learning is a lifelong endeavour.
I am having the same issue you experience, but I am unable to resolve it and get the spindle working from the Masso controller.
I recently upgraded my Journeyman to the Elite system. I have the em60 vfd. I have everything connected, but when I attempt to start the spindle with the “Spindle CW” command, all I hear is a click and nothing happens. My VFD also just continuously blinks 166.6 Can you explain what you did to solve your issue? My spindle works in manual mode if I switch the VFD to manual and control it from the VFD.
If you read the entire thread in this email you can see that I did not initially go to the F1 screen to configure the spindle in the Masso controller. Once you do that and enter a spindle speed on the Masso and press the spindle CW button, everything functions as it should.
Your Main Spindle settings at the F1 Masso controller screen are the same as mine, except that I do not have a check mark in Spindle Auto Stop/Resume on Feedhold. I have attached a screenshot from my controller. Try unchecking that box and see if that helps.