These beasts are HEAVY! LOL
To be true though, I am 60 years old and disabled with an ultra-rare genetic neuromuscular disease. I got the QCW built and put the Y rails in place by myself, but I had my wife help me with the X rail. The basic machine is assembled. I’m about to start fabricating the wasteboards. LOTS of holes to drill tonight. One thing is for sure, I’m set for life so far as wasteboards go. Probably ten years ago, I ran across a deal too good to pass up at one of the big-box home improvement stores. I picked up 100 3/4 x 11-1/4 x 48 particle board shelves for $25! I still have a ton of them left. When I’m done installing the wasteboards, it’s time to start installing the Masso, controller, motors, stiffy, and spindle. My electrician won’t be here until Wednesday next week, so there’s time and no rush. But I can’t wait to fire this thing up!