The First Few Days (Including "Ah-ha!" moments)

Figured i’d share my first few days with my Onefinity X50 Journeyman, this is also my first CNC machine ever - So the pre-shipment learning, as well as first time building, using software with the machine, etc - I’ve had the machine a few days now, fortunately I had some time off from my real job and could bunker down. I had a few mishaps that fortunately I can laugh off - Nothing too serious, but a learning experience for certain.

Boxes came, very exciting!

Using a very scientific formula of finding where I want the machine to sit.

Ok heres Tip #1, and I took more time trouble shooting this then i’d care to imagine. The instructional video says/shows the E-stop comes pushed down when you receive it, and you have to twist it to release it to turn the machine on. I did do that, and it looked like this. To a newbie like me - That looks like its been released. But it’s not! Twist that thing with all of your might to make it pop up even higher. I thought I was going to break it twisting it as hard as I did. :sweat_smile:

Big fan of the cute stickers they put on the test piece. Nice little touch!

So at this point I decided to trace a line into the table, so I could attach my wasteboard and put it into position easily. This was my first time using moving it around with a bit inside. I homed the machine, attached a a bit, turned the router on and made a pass around the entire perimeter with only enough of the bit dug in to make a line. Doing this made it apparent that my table was not 100% level as well. (I did my best!)
Oh, when I got to the back-right corner doing the outline - I accidentally hit the right joystick downward instead of the left joystick - and proceeded to plunge the bit through my table. :grimacing:
…but were not going to talk about that.

With the waste-board attached, I tried to follow a youtuber on how to make a spoilboard surfacing path in Vcarve - Which turned out to be needlessly more complicated then it had to be. Fortunately someone in the comments just suggested making a giant rectangle around your entire material and doing a pocket carve. With some settings tuned, Amana Tool database loaded in - I had my first (real) carve ready. I uploaded the file to the controller and away we went. I did the “paper” trick to lock in my Z (Can’t probe the surfacing bit!) I scribbled pencil all over the wasteboard - and after 3 passes it was all taken care of. I noticed I unfortunately could “catch a nail” when running my finger along - Which means I need to learn how to tram the machine eventually (shudder)

With the wasteboard ready - I wanted to make my first “real carve”. Growing up when I was in school, I recall computer class learning HTML and they always made us do this thing where it would pop up and say “Hello World!” So I thought, why not.
I taped some MDF and the waste board, put down some CA glue and decided I should try out the touch probe.
(Pro tip - When you receive your probe and take a look at the TINY holes in it, and look at how BIG the probe is - you’re going to tell yourself, no !@#%ing way - No matter how much I spit on that thing is it ever going to get in the hole. Well, after contemplating it for awhile and gently trying to push it in - I gave it some real power and it sucked that thing inside without missing a beat. I’m still astonished it went in.)

So, with my probe connected, knowing i’d be using a V-bit and I recall reading you can’t use the probe on a V-bit - I stuck an upside down endmill inside and used that instead…

…and this is also when I learned that probing for Z in the SMALL CIRCLE (When using XYZ probe function) is VERY IMPORTANT. :grimacing: Fortunately it was an upside down end mill, but my god was that a heart stopping moment watching it shred it.

With that out of the way - I ran the Gcode and…voila!

Naturally though, I wanted more. What other “simple” things for a simple person like me do? Oh.

That’s right. After spending thousands of dollars on a high precision piece of machinery and countless hours learning, assembling and creating things in anticipation of receiving the Onefinity. I drew a giant dick as my first project.

But it wasn’t all for waste - As my real intention here was to put a giant circle in a piece of wood for my dust collection bucket to sit in. I got sick of it moving around. The circle was going to be scrap anyway - and it was good practice loading several files after one another on the same project with a tool change.

Up next I wanted a different place to mount the touch screen. As handy as it is attaching to the end of the Y rail - I know I will build an enclosure eventually and wanted to sort that out. Figured a piece of MDF in front of the dust collector “holder” would be a good place. Also gave me an opportunity to try the “texturing” feature in VCarve.

It took about an hour, also learned how to merge toolpaths using the same bit. What a great feature that is.

Lastly - I needed to get some better cable management. I did not like my Y-rail cables “drooping” over the table edge. Nor nervously watching the X-rail cables moving around, hoping it wouldn’t catch on the end of the table or something I left in the way.

Got myself a 1" hole saw, some 1" “desk grommets” (To clean the look of the holes up),ordered wire extensions from Onefinity (Came the next day - Perks of living close to them in Ontario), drag chain from Amazon - and went to town cleaning things up and securing things better. This is how my setup is now and where i’m at.

It’s been a very fun learning experience these past few days. Can’t wait to move on to my next project! Cheers everyone - This community has been a wonderful find.


It is hard to see which hose is connected where on your dust separator, but it appears to me that you have the vacuum hoses connected backward. I believe the hose going to the vacuum should be connected to the top of the separator and the hose from the CNC connected to the side.

Yeah it’s hard to tell, since I have a lot of “extra” hose tucked behind my “shop vaccum suppressor”, but it’s all connected properly!

This “short” hose goes from vaccum to top of bucket

Shop vaccum exhaust routes through a “baffle” lined with sound insulation foam.

And here’s the inside.

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Hi Doc, Not sure if it will be an issue or not, but I find my dust collector, the same one you have, does cause a lot of static electricity. With it that close to your touch screen and control box, it might cause some interference. I don’t have mine yet so can’t say for sure, just a thought.

Hey Wayne, hey all,

you are right, dust collection builds up static electricity. Since wood dust can burn, this can lead to fire difficult to extinguish (e.g. inside dust receptacle). Therefore it is important to ground and bond everything. Static electricity may also affect the function of the controller and the display. This was discussed here the other day

Thanks for the input guys - In looking to reduce static electricity it seems the “best/easiest” way would be to ground my shop vaccum hose. I looked at some kits that come with copper cable and presumably you wrap your hose.

Then I came across hoses that are clear with steel coil spring in them already, and indicate “easy to ground”. Would replacing my hoses with these, then grounding the wire be sufficient?

On my main dust collector I have run wire through the hoses and connect one end to the metal of the tool it is hooked up to, and the other end to a metal part of the dust collector. This has worked well and I have no issues with static electricity on it. The vacuum with the centrifugal dust collector is more of a challenge as it is pretty much all plastic. I have not put any thought into that yet as it usually is only used for hand tools. However a similar set up as I use on the dust collector should work, just need to fins something metal to ground it too.


The static charge is built up inside the hose from the moving air/dust. Wrapping the outside of the hose won’t do anything to bleed that charge out. I think @cyberreefguru did a video on that on his YT channel.

Running the wire inside the hose makes for more difficult grounding but is preferred.

great setup and idea, for noise reduction! I may be duplicating something similar for my DC

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You can send a screw from the outside into the inside to capture the static and still run the wire on the outside.


Could you use the wire in the coil of the flex hose (if you use flex hose that is) to ground your tool to the “tool end” of the wire in the hose and to the “collector end” on the other side?

Hey Terry,

if possible you can connect those wires to ground and it would help a lot but I would not rely on a ground connection from one end to the other. For this I would always drag a dedicated ground wire, e.g. like shown here

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Gotcha. I was thinking of splicing wire and a connector to each end of the hose wire and have the hose serve as the “middle” of the ground, with the spliced ends making the connections to the tool and to the ground.

I have been researching dust collection installation lately. One of the first things they mentioned was to help reduce turbulence w/ in your dust collection system was to avoid flex hoses as much as possible. They also mentioned avoid sharp angles/bends but, that was for another reason. The thought process of smoothing out the air flow was two fold one the make the dust collection more efficient and two removed excessive surface are the can potentially allow for dust build up that may then ignite due to a static discharge. This being said I will still need short runs of flex hose to connect from my hard point to the tool port. I also will be using a 2hp jet dust collection system in my shop and will be using gate valves too.

Another key point is to not oversize the pipe vs the amount of air the dust collector can move otherwise the velocity will drop and become less effective in picking up dust.