When will ONEFINITY issue the update for the problem with the laser if the machine is homed?
This seems to NOT be a priority!
When will ONEFINITY issue the update for the problem with the laser if the machine is homed?
This seems to NOT be a priority!
What is the homing problem?
if you “home” the CNC, the laser “may” not work…
Agreed. I installed my laser on Friday and didn’t get it figured out until Saturday morning. I was aware there was some issue with homing but it took too long to discover the exact spell to get it to work.
Key for me was realising I had to turn the power switch off. I wasted hours just restarting from the touchscreen. Then I found I had to go up to m3 s30 to get it to fire. Sounds simple now but when unsure if you have a bad controller or a bad laser head it’s frustrating. I was confident that Onefinity or Jtech would make it right but didn’t need the hassle this weekend
But it burns. Now a whole new learning curve ahead.
I think I remember seeing them say on here somewhere that it should be in the next upcoming software release. I haven’t used my laser in a while but that was a big annoying issue that I ran into a few times so hopefully they do indeed get it fixed in the next update. Edit: Here is where they mention it being in the next update- Firmware Update 1.0.8 (5/5/2021) (Latest Release) - #14 by onefinitycnc