Using Thick stock for boxes, bowls etc

I have some 1.75" thick cherry and walnut boards. I’ve used some to make boxes by cutting a deep pockets with profiles offset .50" around them. Even though these are thick, are they going to warp or split over time since they are just a solid piece? Could this be avoided by keeping the grain perpendicular to the longest side of the box? Or, would it just be better to cut the wood into strips and glue them together like making a cutting board? Thanks for your help.

How dry is the wood? Sounds like standard 8/4 domestic hardwoods. I find if they are fully dry that they are dimensionally stable. I’d mill, give a day or two and then do a final milling.

Thanks for the tip about doing the milling over a couple of days. These board have been in my fairly dry basement for about 3 years. I’m thinking they are pretty dry.

How long are they… It is at least a year per inch of thickness… I have 8/4 ash that has been sitting 5 years and is still 15 percent. You can play with microwaving pieces if they are small enough until it no longer loses weight but do your research so you don’t burn down your house.

They are 36" x 7" x 1.75". I’m thinking if I’m going to be buying more thick wood for projects(after these are gone) I’d better invest in a moisture meter. I’ll pass on the microwave . Thanks for your advice BJ.