Vacuum won't start automatically


I do not know if there was supposed to be one. But you can just go to a local computer store and pick up a computer power cord.


Hey Lawrence,

Your photo does not show a controller. It shows a power supply (the proprietary power supply for Elite/MASSO controller in this case).

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Did you watch this?

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Apparently such a cord is NOT provided by Onefinity (seems like it should be). I’ll pick one up and come back if I have further questions. This issue really should be in the Manual.

No, I missed it. Why isn’t this provided by Onefinity?

Thaks for the correction in terminology. I beleive this is what Thomas is asking about.

It is. It’s on our official YouTube channel and faq section of these forums. We also just provided it directly to you :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey all,

Elite Manual, page 13

It’s not that they explicitly say it. This machine also works without attaching or using a vacuum.

But they label it “Vacuum Power Cord Plug”. So I think I would first plug exactly that into this socket.

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Hey Espressomatic,

Elite Manual, page 42

They say it explicitly for the router. And they warn it’s not for a spindle.

I think the difference is, this machine also works without attaching or using a vacuum (but hardly without a router).

Also Router On/Off will work automatically since everybody has M3/M5 in their g-code programs.

But Vacuum On/Off will only work if you tweak a CAD/CAM post processer to include M8 which originally is for Workpiece Flood Coolant On/Off and has to be diverted this way. So that would have been the next “issue” from the original poster (that was already vastly elaborated above).

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Hey Thomas,

because internally the vacuum relay is wired into the vacuum circuit :slight_smile: (unlike the router relay which is wired into the router circuit)

Hey all,

We’ll see what happens when the original poster comes back from aquiring the missing (or lost after unpacking) vacuum power cable. In this case, I think the “Solution” flag should then be diverted from “most likely the fuse is blown” answer to his new post for future readers.

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