I’m curious if anyone else is having graphics problems in 2D or program freezes in v12?
I’m having problems in 2 different laptops (both more than capable for CAD).
This has been turned into Vectric
Someone please try this to see if it happens to you too.
Make a new file
Zoom all the way in on the blank file at the center line and try to lay a drafting line to it.
My computers both freeze when I try to grab a drafting line from the ruler.
This also happens on existing older files for me, especially if I have saved them in v12.
Vectric has figured it out. They’re pretty sharp cookies!
It has to do with text size and screen resolution. Due to eye damage, I have to have a large text size (I usually run 175% text size at native resolution on my monitors).
If I lower my text size to 100%, then I have no problems in VCarve with the freezing problem. But I can’t hardly see text at that size, so by lowering my resolution (I think I went to 1440x900), this effectively increases the text size and doesn’t seem to cause any problems in VCarve.
They said there’ll probably be a fix in a future update.