W.I.P. CNC Table Design

That is really cool.

Hi Rex, do you have the files posted somewhere this design looks excellent!

I tried to upload the CAD models but the forum doesn’t allow me to upload SolidWorks files so I made some stl files. Unfortunately some of them are pretty large. Hopfully they will work for you.
Dust Collector - Sweeper Block Hose Front.stl (22.8 MB)
Dust Collector - Sweeper Block Front Insert.stl (474.9 KB)
Dust Collector - Front Hose Support Bracket.stl (3.7 MB)
Dust Collector - Front Hose Support End.stl (4.7 MB)
Dust Collector - Support Arm New Right.stl (95.7 KB)
Dust Collector - Support Arm New Left.stl (97.3 KB)


You will need a 2 inch 8-32 machine screw with a hex head. The only place I found them is at Fastenal. Here are the knob and nut holder models.
Knurled Knob 8-32 - Height Adjust Block.stl (114.2 KB)
Knurled Knob 8-32 - Wing Nut.stl (2.2 MB)


Very nice design, clever use of the Z-axis dust boot slots for mounting the hose support bracket (I’ve always felt uneasy wrapping around the stepper motor), and thanks for the models!

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Hey Rex,

I can imagine that you get better suction than with your previous dust boot drawing from the back. Do you still have relevant dust and chips not caught?

What dust collection system is hooked up at the end of the tubes?

I have not seen any dust shields with you so far, but you have a recess at the opening there. Do you use any? It would draw a little less external air.

I find the flexible, unbreakable shields a good idea (as shown here, here, and here)

Hi Rex!

Great design! I was printing the parts and realized that there isn’t an STL for the hose side of the coupler. Did you design one that mates or is the mating half available on another site?

@Aiph5u ,
Collecting from the front is much better and I can now get almost all of the dust. A very small amount escapes now. But it depends on the shape and thickness of the wood. With more overhang on the sides a little more will escape. I have an Oneida 3 Hp system. My main ducts are 6" and then at the blast gates I step down to a 4" hose to go to my machine.
I made a dust shield for my rear mounted dust boot. With my front mount the opening is much smaller. I have a recessed area to accept one but haven’t made one yet. I like the idea of making it flexible, but in my case the router is the same diameter as the dust boot so being flexible wouldn’t make any difference. The suction is so great I have actually considered making a system that didn’t even have a brush.
Thanks for the feedback.


@weichtb (Brent),

Here is the hose adapter. You will also want to get eight magnets to put into the small pockets. Make sure you get the polarity on all of the magnets in the correct direction. I use a drop of CA glue to hold them in place. The ones I use I got from K&J Magnetics (model: D52-N52). They are 5/16" diameter by 1/8" thick. Strength is 4.15 lbs each. To disconnect the hose just give it a slight twist.

Hope this helps!

Hose Coupler - 4 inch OD Male.stl (3.0 MB)

@BillyTequila (Billy),
My rear mounted dust boot was OK, but I’ve since moved to a front mount and it works much better. All of the files are posted in this post and a couple just above in this thread.
I use OnShape for all of my CAD design work and I use VCarve Pro for my CNC stuff.

Hope that helps!


Hi Rex!
Thanks for the update and the heads up on the magnets. Got everything printed on my Bambu Labs P1P and they look great! Terrific design!
Thanks again.

Best regards,

Brent Weicht

Thanks, Rex! Just crashed my original boot, so firing up the Prusa now.

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Great thread. Was there a resolution to the dust shield question?

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I designed it for a dust shield but actually don’t need it because the hole is pretty small. If I were going to redo my design I’d ditch the dust shield lip and make the hole slightly larger so the router can go through the hole for cases when I’m using a short bit and the material is thin. Since my suction is really good I’ve also thought about creating a design that doesn’t use a brush. Being able to 3D print the boot to transition from a 4" round down to a shape that partially wraps around the router bit makes this a possibility. But right now what I have is working really well so I might never get around to it.


I am a long-time woodworker and using several pieces I already own. I’m connecting a Rockler 650 CFM Dust Right Dust Collector for my chip management and using their coupler to connect the quick-change handle.

Also planning to use RowdyRoman’s vacuum boom with its 4-inch clips to manage the hose.

I also found the McMaster Hardware Catalog for Easy-Cut Strip Brush on another OneFinity thread and was looking at these for your device.

I looked at McMaster Carr. Ended up going with PWN brush. It’s probably a toss up between them. My first brush was 1". My new one is 1.5" and I like it a lot better.

I have no experience with all the other stuff you list. I 3D printed my own quick disconnect couplers that work with all my other dust collection setups for other machines.

For the hose, If you can route it 4-5 feet overhead to the center of your machine table then a single drop down works well and you don’t need any sort of fancy mechanical arm to keep it following the router.


The overhead drop makes a lot of sense. Thanks for talking through your dust collection solution with me.

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I’m currently setting up this dust boot and found the bolts need to be 6-32 for the head and bolt to fit into the pieces. Also, I was able to find them at Ace Hardware in the USA.

Hello Rex, I’m trying to modify this for my 80mm spindle. I can’t seem to get Fusion to mind well I think if I add 15mm length to the area in the red square it will allow for the difference. Am I on the right track? I don’t suppose that you have any clues how to add that15mm. I tried to press-pull, split the body in mesh and solid to add apart and assemble. nothing seems to work. I am a noob when it comes to Fusion.

I don’t know anything about Fusion. I have created a new design that fits an 80mm spindle. I don’t recall the link but it is posted on the OneFinity forum.

Right now the post doesn’t contain any CAD models, but if you want to try my new design I could send you the files.

Here is a link to my new dust boot design for an 80 mm spindle.