Wall Mounted Journeyman - issue with Z-Axis

I have just wall mounted my X50 Journeyman. Both my X and Y Axis are fine. My Z-Axis, however, has a few issues:

  1. When the machine is on and not running, there is a high pitched noise coming from the motor. (Disconnected the motor to confirm it was the source)
  2. It does not home (again, X/Y do without issue)
  3. It does not move up or down at all.

I attempted adjusting the stall current from 1 down to .1 in .1 increments, but that has not worked. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

The noise coming from the Z stepper motor is not necessarily an issue, any time the machine is on and the estop is disengaged there is current sent through the motor to hold it in place.

Did you have the machine up and operational before you wall mounted it or is this the first time assembling it?

I would double check your connections, the plastic connectors can have issues after being unplugged and plugged back in - pins can push out of the back of the connector.

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Thanks for the help! I had the Z-axis cable installed improperly…

Up and running now!

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