What features would you like to see in 2024?

@Aiph5u & OneFinity Family,

YES YES YES… This is exactly what I would love to see come to the OneFinity. A Milling Motor fit for purpose! Most people I fear, shirk this off as just another Router… that is a misnomer.

Team… This is NOT a standard Router, the duty cycle on these is designed to run for days on end (just like a Spindle/VFD) with the exception you do not have to wire them, deal with coolant lines, mess with Airplane connections etc. etc.

They simply plug in and run, PLUS you can get them with a ATC built right in if desired. They are available in both 110v and 220v. An additional benefit is that since the mount also glides up and down the Z-Axis as a unit a Dust Boot is much easier to incorporate and manage. Like the PwnCNC v10, it would always be at the height of your bit to wood clearance.

Let’s get some love around this! How about we get a few hundred likes on this, there is a ton more info that Aiph5u has provided in many other threads here. Even if we had to lose an in inch on the X-trave I would happily jump on this train (not sure that is even needed but if it were I’m still IN).
