Stay Tuned. BIG things are coming in November 2024 đź‘€

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Onefinity, can you please do me a personal favor? Can you PLEASE announce any new products BEFORE I spend my entire holiday budget on black friday? :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for always trying to innovate and improve the experience of your ecosystem.


4x8’ CNC I’m guessing.


I’m guessing rotary.


I think 1f has cost me 1k+ every year theyve done this. If its a larger format machine they might get me for much more… im thiiiiiis close to changing over to an Avid 4x8 or bigger.


I’m hoping for a plug and play Rotary.


Maybe a plug n play ATC

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Closed loop steppers for Onefinity controller?

Maybe some free art work or STL files to help us get started.

Onefinity router would be epic.

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For those who are in the middle of, or about to pull the trigger on adding capability to our machines, can you give at least give us a price range that this BIG thing will have? Or what machine models it is intended for?

Not asking for hints about what the BIG thing is, but it would be nice to know what it’s not. In other words, should I put my diy 4th axis project on hold for up to a month? A price range would help make that decision. :thinking:

We are in November now. Stop making us waiting and let us know what things are coming now. :slight_smile:

I also hope for a rotary.


Z Brake option for those of us with the BB controller? The ability to use the Z set tool with the BB controller? Probably not… I haven’t seen many updates to the capabilities of the BB controller. Seems everything is always about the Elite machines. It’s like that spoiled younger sibling that get everything. :slight_smile:


Yeah, now I know how “the red headed stepchild” feels. It’s like everything just died for their original machines as far as development and design - even though there must be thousands of them in use by hobbies, like me, and small business woodworkers.


I would sure like to know what it is going to be, I am wanting to order an Elite machine very soon, and last time I ordered a machine, about 4 months later the Elite came out and I was disappointed in my purchase because the Masso is quite an upgrade from BB controller. :rage:

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I’m guessing a 4x8 size. Literally that would be BIG.

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Maybe this for $$

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A Rotary tool changer on the X axis would be a game changer?

Farfetched, but a 3d printing add on kit would be sick. The 4x4 bed heater could double as a shop heater…

With the hints that they’ve been dropping…I’m assuming both a 4x8 machine with a rotary. That’s just my two cents, though.
That might make them a competitor with Avid, which is just about to get my money for a 4x8 with a rotary. LOL

They’ve already stated that they don’t.