The main problem was that I needed a different method of probing. As I recall there was some limitation with the initial 3 way probe that I had a problem with. I ended up rewriting the gcode routine and modifying the webpack to get it right. 1.1.1 gave me the needed functionality.
There were a couple other things that got fixed, but it’s been long enough that I don’t recall details. I think one of them made doing a Samba share more reliable, or at least claimed that it would. This involves setting up a shared drive on the RPI (like on my 3D printers) to transfer jobs directly instead of through the GUI. As I’m just now getting into more volume stuff I will shortly revisit this. 1.0.9 had a static view of file directory and I think they talked about 1.1.1 doing a dynamic query but it’s something I have to check. That itself removes a couple of steps in the workflow.
Mostly I followed the recommendation from 1F. I’m skittish on 1.2.1 because it rolls back some stuff and restricts wifi capability which several have said now breaks on their machine. Discussions here lead me to not want to jump onto a moving train. Now I see a 1.3 and we’ll see what happens down that path.
In the meantime I just keep making stuff like rocking horses, jewelry boxes, serving trays, and engraving random stuff. We’ll see what it looks like when it stabilizes.