I’m having a problem probing my Machinist. Homing goes great and the soft limits are set to X 0/411 and Y 0/410 with the Z set to -133/0. firmware v1.0.7
I move the machine over to just above the circle on the probe (X124, Y188, Z-119) and hit the Probe XYZ button and it immediately errors out with:
Level: error
Source: Planner
Location: Planner.py:390
Message: Z axis position -144mm is less than minimum soft limit -133mm…
Why does the machine think it’s at -144mm when the UI is showing me -119mm.
I’ve rebooted multiple times, dbl/trpl checked the settings… but still it fails… i’m at a complete loss.
Yes, the bit is within a few mm of the touch probe right over the circle. Nope… probing near the middle of the machine as my initial post mentioned… (x124, y188, z-119).
Yes, I found that link from another post and read carefully but it didn’t help.
Also this is not my first hobby machine, but is first time using this particular CAM software. I use CNCjs or Carbide Motion on my other machines.
Thanks Daniel - I poked around the forums and didn’t see another post with your situation, so I am at loss right now. Did you confirm the probe is working by touching it to the bit? Perhaps the controller needs to see connectivity first? I read something like that for the new SW version (1.0.7).
yup… i hit the probe xyz button and first step is validating it by touching the probe to the bit. I do that then the error shows immediately.
It’s like the controller itself is out of sync with the software somehow. If i’m at -119, why does it error complaining that it’s at z -145… this part doesn’t make any sense.
Unless the Z motor settings are wrong.
Do you know of a way to run $$ on the controller itself?
Ok, discovered my issue and totally made assumptions on the capacity of the machine when setting up my temporary wasteboard.
The -145mm it was complaining about was the calculated value of where it would move the Z to when probing the X and Y.
It boils down to my spoil board was far too low.
I mounted the machine on the surface, and immediately added t-tracks with an 3/4" mdf. Seems my machine can’t reach that far down with the Amana 46200 bit i was using.
Raised my stock up and it probed properly.