Homing VS XYZ probing

So I watched the video produced by 1F on initiating your first cut on the machine and yet again I am having issues, no surprise there i suppose! :joy:

My machine is homing but giving me the “error” message of "“no fit” in the top two homing blocks

In addition, When I try to probe XYZ i keep failing. 1 part of the failure is due to the Z not coming down far enough to even touch the probe block that is placed on the material as instructed.

The 2nd part of the failure is that I can’t start the probe because I need to bring the block up to the bit (.25 endmill) and then I receive the green light authorizing the probe action, that’s when the 1st part of the failure (above) takes over, see the link to the 2 minute video I made to help illustrate

CNC probe failure

It tells you when probing, you must be within .5 of the probe before initiating the probe sequence. Move the bit just above the probe before probing.

Your toolpaths are outside of the cutting area. Follow and watch this (when surfacing, you cannot use the probe to xy zero as it will move the start xy zero point outside of the cutting area, giving you a not fit.

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for this topic I am not surfacing. i was going to run a flag file. So I am a little confused with the surfacing comment

Sorry, No fit is 99% of the time surfacing.
Ignore any toolpath warnings until you do this list:
1) Boot up
2) Home the machine
3) place material on wasteboard (or install wasteboard)
4) Load file you want to run
5) Zero (different than homing) xy and z axis
Only after the above steps does “toolpath” status matter.


@Santos76 - my last video might help you understand the difference between homing and zeroing. I also covered over/no fit in my new users video as well. Let me know if you have any questions.



Thank you for the response, I got it figured out (thanks to the very supportive online forum members)