Y and x axis home position change after pause

@OnefinityCNC I have created an error that really messed one of my projects up. If you pause a project from a remote window (my pc networked to my 1f) and then leave that screen open. Then go to the touchscreen on the machine and unpause from there. The y and x axis home position moved the distance I was into the project and started over from the beginning. So instead of pausing it reset the project but with new start coordinates.

I feel like I have done that without issue… Have you been able to recreate it?

I learned today that when a remote session is active the usb game controller I have on my pc can send commands to the 1F and if you keep the remote window open, these commands will persist even if you reboot the 1F and try to override locally. The local command will not work while the other session is trying to do something. My controller on my pc was laying on its side so when i would open the remote window it would move the 1F. Took me a while to figure out what was causing it.

I was able to recreate this error from the post above without a controller plugged in and it did create a bug that was only corrected by re-flashing my controller to 1.0.7 and then back to 1.0.8.
If you have a remote window open and send commands to the 1f and then go to the local terminal and send a different set of commands. If for some reason the first set of commands has not completed then the second set of commands creates an error in the controller software and it gets hung up between the 2 signals. Bad signal from my remote window delayed the command going through and by the time It got to the machine the conflicting orders corrupts the program.
I have my 1F in my shop connected to an access point that connects to my house wifi. Although this is a very strong signal there are occasional momentary drop of connection to the 1F.
This made my controller almost non responsive and run sluggish. Also created issues with losing positions during cuts.
After a quick email to support. They suggested I flash back to 1.0.7 and that fixed it and I have my machine working without errors again.