Y Axis Losing Position (solved in firmware 1.0.6)

My issue turned out to be a loose Y-drive coupling.


You should be able to search the forum for “firmware update” and find the latest firmware to download to any internet connected computer and then transfer that file onto a thumb drive for installation on your machine. Not knowing which firmware version you are running you may already have the updated max speeds installed. If you boot your cnc and leave the units in metric, you can click on the three lines in the upper left of your handheld screen to expand the menu. Once that is expanded, you can see the Motors area. If you pick on the Motor 0 you should see the max velocity value as 10. If it is still 12 then reduce it to 10 m/min, and then do the same for Motor 1. The firmware update should already have the 10m/min value on both motors but is a quick way to check.

Hope that helps.


Hey Chris,

I was reading your discussion. I think that is my problem as well because it little sounds like one side of the y axis is working against the other when it does it. I am going to tighten them up as soon as I get out there this evening and turn this “max Rapids” thing down in the process. Goofy me, I was looking all over the place trying to find where to change this setting and couldn’t find it for nothing, spent like and hour. Then realized I was looking for it in Fusion 360 LOL. I’m such a moron sometimes. Do you have a link to the video I heard about tightening the couplers?

Excellent! thank so much guys!

Ok, I had to know. So I ran out there and checked real quick. I have had my machine about 3 weeks. apparently it has the newer firmware. all my velocities were already set to 10. So, I will be looking into to these y axis couplers first thing this evening.

It’s an easy check, remove your x-axis and drive your y-motors. Both Y drives should drive smoothly & together. If one side doesn’t and you can hear the motor driving ( it may move with assistance) that’s your problem side. My left side drive was completely loose.

Follow the video, no need to remove the ball screw entirely, just need to remove it enough to access the coupling & retighten. I would suggest using Blue loctite on the coupling screws to prevent them from loosening off in the future. The ball screw nut should just touch the bearing, do not over tighten when reassembling.

From OneFinity “make sure the tension nut for the ball screw is JUST loose enough to let the washer move freely. Too tight and it won’t rotate.”

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Hey everybody, so I have tried all of this. I thought I had my problem fixed because I ran a long cut and it did fine. But, today I tried cutting $150 slab of wood and it again jump position and ruined the wood, again. this is the third piece of such wood this machine has ruined. I took the machine apart and check the couplings. they were tight but I locktited the screws when I put them back anyway. I slowed the velocities down to 9.8. still the machine is loosing Y. I’m fixing to send the junk back. I have tried everything I know to try and everything everyone has told me.

The first thing you need to do is email support@onefinitycnc.com Don’t let it build up until you’re angry! (also, 1.0.6 is super old firmware now).