The following has happened with gcode from both Fusion 360 and Aspire.
While running gcode, the z zero is reset to a much lower setting without any user intervention. I’m talking a half an inch lower. I have cut deeply into my spoil board on a few occasions. Luckily I missed the t-track! I had assumed this was due to some user error (it may still be), but now I’m not so sure. Tonight, I was cutting the Marvel Aztec calendar. I loaded the gcode, zeroed the x y and z, and began cutting. In less than two minutes into the cut, the zero reset so low, the collet made contact with the board! The 1/8 v bit came out and was below the surface of the wood.
I was standing over the machine and was able to stop it immediately. I stopped the program without shutting off the controller so I was able to see where the z was now set. It was about a half an inch lower than where it was set using the probe.
Without turning off the controller, or reloading the gcode, I reset the zero at some point above the wood without the v bit installed. I then ran the same program again without turning on the router to see if the problem would repeat at the same place in the program. This time, the program ran normally for about 5 minutes before I stopped it. After the successful dry-run, I reloaded the collet and 1/8 v bit, reset z zero using the probe and began a new cut.
This time, the program ran smoothly for a little over an hour. With no warning, the same thing happened again. The bit plunged down through the board. The zero for the z axis is now a half inch lower than where it was set at the beginning of the run.
This was not a v carve, I was using a profile path to trace the art. My depth was set to 0.07". Of course the simulation looks normal. The same thing has happened a few other times. One other program, was cutting pockets with a 1/4 end mill. I have made many successful cuts as well, but at this point, I don’t trust the machine.
Does anyone out there have any ideas on what could be happening here?
I have checked all bolts and the router mount and all look good. Everything is solid.