Z axis not getting low enough to cut

Hi all,
I’m having a hard time figuring this one out. I am trying to carve a sign for xmas that is a pretty simple layout. It’s just numbers and a couple of words. I am using Easel Pro to do the tool paths. When I do that, I make all the cuts to 0.15 inches. I set my zeros including “Z”. When it starts to cut, the bit does not go low enough to cut into the wood. It is just hovering above the material and cutting air. What am I doing wrong here. All help is appreciatied

Is this behaviour that has changed or is this your first use?

What are you using to set the Z zero? Do you have the probe or are you touching the wood directly?

This is new behavior. I have used both the bit to wood AND probe. In this case it was just bit to wood using the paper method. I just started another test cut with the file using the probe. It seems to have fixed the issue but we’ll see.

It’s likely not the cause, but might as well check your probe settings and confirm the probes dimensions. I used a set of calipers to measure the probe and update it in settings, it was slightly off