Hi, i searched the forum but did not see anything similiar.
im working with Marble instead of wood, so i put in a wood bit and succesfully probed XYZ, I then take the wood bit out and use the marble bit and then zero in Z with the new bit without the touch probe. I use the paper method. The reason is the touch pad does not reconize the diamond tools and the tool just pushes the touch probe off of my work piece.
Once i successfully zero in the new Z with the marble bit, i then return the machine back to the XY position and begin my cut.
what happens though once i start the program, is the bit travels about an inch a above the material and begins. it moves along XY properly. but the Z is higher then my material ( the thickness of my material is about an inch, and the Z goes about an inch above my material as well) so its just cutting air.
Just to be sure: You jog the z axis so that the paper just fits between workpiece and bit tip, and then you press the zero button on individual Z axis?
What do you mean with “I then return the machine back to the XY position”? Usually on program start, the machine would return to the necessary position by itself.
Sounds like your workpiece zero is on top of the workpiece. Are you sure that on your virtual 3D model, the zero point is on top of the (initial) workpiece (height) too?
Take a look in the software for that one. Sounds like you have the z origin set at the spoilboard in the software, but you’re zeroing on the material surface when you probe.
I had a quick chance to look this morning before work…
It looks like my z point origin may of been wrong as it was not at 0 like it was in the carveco video.
I did get the stl. File made from someone on fiverr. So maybe it automatically changed that origin for me.
I’ll let you guys know later today! Thankyou everyone
Hey, i put a 0 for my z origin and tried it with my material z position BOTH at the top offset and the bottom offset. And both times it cut air
When i had it at the bottom offset. It put my bit right theough the material at first but then came up and proceded to cut air again… this time though when the z axis was plunging and dipping downwards… it was getting right close to the material but not quite touching it
if the workpiece zero is on bottom of the workpiece, you got to probe Z on the machine bed with the XYZ Touch plate upside down, somewhere away from the workpiece, as explained in the video below.
I just tried it. Same thing. Its cutting above the material. I probed manually with the touchprobe upside down. Becuase it doesnt reconize my bits when it gets close to the touch probe…
If you’re using the diamond bits, are you still using the touchplate? The touchplate only works with the “probe” function. If you’re manually setting z origin, you want to do it by putting the bit on top of your material. If you try to manually set z origin with the touchplate on top of your material, it will add the thickness of the touchplate and cut that distance above your work piece.
I think you want start z=0, according to that screenshot. Then set the origin to the top of your material. Not familiar with Carveco, but the start and finish numbers imply that your material is over 1.5" to me.
I think we are having the same issue. What I noticed was that my Z height was staying at my safe Z programed in the file. I ran both the roughing tool and the V-bit. The roughing tool cut air but the v-bit cut as it was supposed to. I checked the g code and saw the initial command to go my safe z and after the XY was initiated I saw that the command for Z .0100 was issued but the head remained at the safe Z…