Before I invest too much time in this project who would be interested in a tool setter for the Elite?
I designed this to be plug and play through a Molex connector on the MASSO and only needing a couple changes to the settings to enable the tool, location and behavior. No power goes to the tool setter and there is no overtravel Estop.
The QCW model mounds to the front of QCW with a bolt and sits below the wasteboard so its out if the way and is less prone to damage. The surface mount model at 1" tall mounts where ever is convenient for you through .25" holes spaced 2" apart. The cable can be routed through the toolsetter base and under the wasteboard so it’s out of the way.
I had a tool setter on my Shapeoko and it is very useful, accurate and something I will now get a lot of use from on the Onefinity.
That may be something I will look into. The only difficult part of a DIY version is the micro molex connector. Its very small and requires a special crimping tool to secure the connector pins.
Thanks, that’s who I ordered mine through. After crimping and soldering a couple connectors myself I decided to look for ready made ones I could splice into.
From what I can find it looks like shipping to the UK will be around $20 through USPS. If you message me your zipcode Ill be able to get a better estimate.