Looking for some assistance with achieving a cleaner top surface on this carve.
I am prototyping a small two-part wooden mold. I designed the required surfaces and STL files in Solidworks and they seem fine, but when importing them to v-carve, the surfaces show up with an almost jagged edge. As you can see in some images, there is an uneven ridge around the shape - where is is vital to have a clean edge (for the part to stay round).
I have had success importing stand alone surfaces in v-carve in the past, but for some reason this toolpath is showing up and cutting wrong. Any tips that I could try when importing? I usually set ‘depth below top’ to Zero and haven’t had a problem.
Hi Kyle, If i was having this issue I would focus on getting just one of these tool paths working then add the others. I would try reducing the step over of the bit in the tool settings and do test cuts on pieces of scrap or cheaper lumber.
Ooh, I think I know this one! I tried carving the 3d skull clipart in Vcarve, inverted so it carved it out (bowl rather than dome, dunno how else to describe it) and I had a similar jagged edge around it. I fixed it by choosing the Machining Limit Boundary as Model Boundary and Boundary Offset equal to the radius of my ball nose (1/32" for my 1/16" ball nose bit.)