Alarm Homing Errors

I have been getting familiar with UPGRADE kit for X35-Elite. The process was straight forward after viewing 1F videos but afterward when running machine various DIFFERENT alarms occur. Sometimes, the IR beam has not been interrupted and an alarm will occur and other times when the IR beam is interrupted an alarm occurs. However, upon shutdown and reboot the alarm clears and the homing sequence proceeds to finish without further complications. These alarms do not happen every time upon startup. I have unchecked the box under General Settings to ENABLE soft limits and left hard limits at DISABLE. Have checked all IR beams and confirmed their status when I break the beam with F1 alarms (working). I have removed all covers and checked continuity to each stepper motor (working). Could the issue be something to do with settings for each motor or delicate prong connect? The problem does not prevent me from doing my carvings, but it is a nuisance! I have noticed on this forum many topics related to these errors. I contacted 1F Support and they referred me to Masso Support. I have a ticket at Masso on this topic and am working with Jason to resolve these alarms. Jason was told that this is a conversion machine and he noticed that the axis movement settings are different to what the machine expects, in other words it is possible the controller may ask it to move further or not far enough causing motion and alarm problems. I provided him some testing requests and am waiting further dialogue. There are many very skilled CNC operators on this forum, I am not one of them, but I am willing to learn! I thank you all with your posts, it really helps with the learning curve!

What I see in the F1 under settings for X,Y&B motors that stands out is the “Acceleration” for X=19.68520, and Y & B=19.68535. Z=19.68512. I know the ball screw on my machine is 1610. Does anyone have an original X35 w/conversion Elite kit and what are your settings?

They are here Elite Series Masso Default Machine Settings

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Thank you for the link, yes, I have those files, but it would be better to have the default settings in .txt format before overwriting existing files and starting all over. I am not aware that I can view .htg files before over-writing existing files.