Alarm homing error-unable to jog (solved, wrong settings in f1 screeen)

Heeelp please. I’m a novice CNC’er in the UK who has not been able to carve anything yet on my Foreman Elite.
After building the machine I had a X motor alarm which the support team gave advice which sorted the problem i.e. reset to factory settings. Now I’m getting a “Alarm Homing Error” after pressing the homing button. The X axis moves an inch and stops. The Y & Z axis do not move at all although the numbers in the X,Y & Z windows change as if the machine is moving. I am also unable to jog the machine in either steps or continuous mode. I can clear the alarm by pressing the E Stop button but as soon as I double tap the Home button, X moves an inch and the homing error alarm starts flashing. I would be grateful for any help to get the machine running properly. Many thanks.

We can look into a few things…

One helpful step is to share a copy of the printable settings file - it will show all current settings. See here…

In the F1 screen are the homing sensor inputs all green/LOW, and do they turn red/HIGH when you manually trigger each sensor by hand?

Before homing, can you move each axis using the on screen jog arrows (make sure slider is set to 100% and on continuous) and do they move in the correct directions? X+ right, Y+ back, Z+ up?

Where were the axes located when you had your failed homing cycles?

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Check the homing sensors, make sure there is nothing getting in the way. I had a problem where one of the sensor cables was constantly getting caught between the sensor, causing an alarm. A zip tie fixed my problem.

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Hi Scott. Thanks for your email. I’ve checked all the homing sensors and they’re clear. I’ve given them a quick blow out just to be sure.

Kind regards.


Good afternoon. TMToronto.

Many thanks for your helpful email, it’s very much appreciated. As you suggested, I’ve copied my machines current settings, although these are factory settings as a result of having to re-boot the machine due to the original X Drive Alarm problem, which, with the help of the support team, is now sorted (hopefully).

In the F1 screen all the homing sensor inputs are showing GREEN/Low and to RED/High when triggered.

I’m unable to screen jog any of the axis even when set to 100% and Continuous no matter which direction selected.

The Y axis was approximately 1/3rd distance from the front of the machine, the X axis was central, and the Z axis was somewhere in the middle.

Looking at my machine settings, I Have noticed that there is no figure for the Spindle spin up/spin down time and I’m pretty sure that there was a figure prior to the re-boot.

I’ve attached a copy of my machines, current settings, as suggested, so anyone who is a bit of a CNC wizard can have a look and hopefully spot where the problem lies.

Thank you so much for your help. Hopefully I’ll be able to start carving soon.


MASSO Settings v5.07 (G3-18883).txt (13.1 KB)

Could you attach a video of the problem occurring?

Hi Scott.

Thanks for your email. I sent a video about 10 minutes ago of the problem. I take it you have not received it yet? I’ve sent the video via WeTransfer due to the size of the video. If you don’t receive it let me know and I’ll send it again.

Kind regards


I looked at the settings file.

I don’t own this size machine, and use metric not imperial, but something seems a bit off.

  • Motor: Distance per revolution: 0.196851
  • Drive: Pulses per revolution: 400.000000
  • Maximum Feedrate: 39.370101
  • Acceleration: 1.181103
  • Travel Minimum: 0.000000
  • Travel Maximum: 3.937010

The distance per revolution value would indicate a 5mm pitch ballscrew.
The acceleration value is extremely low.
The maximum travel of the X axis is just under 4 inches.
Also, many users are now using 2000 vs 400 PPR.

These anomalies are similar for the other axes. Perhaps someone with your machine can check their settings. I found updated v5.07 HTG files in Onefinity’s documents, but the txt settings file I looked at as a comparison was the v5.03.

Reload factory defaults here:

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Are you wanting me to reload the factory defaults again? The factory defaults were reloaded 3 days ago which cleared my original problem with the X drive alarm.

Kind regards


Are you getting red alarm lights on any of the motors? If so you might try switching the X and Y motors to rule out a bad motor.

Morning TMToronto.

Many thanks for all your help and advice with regards the problem with my CNC.

I’ve downloaded the factory settings again and reloaded the settings onto the controller and I now have a working CNC. I can now start to investigate it’s capabilities and start to carve.

Thanks again for your advice.

All the very best.


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Morning Terry. Thanks for your advice. Following onefinity instructions, I’ve downloaded the factory settings again and reloaded them onto the controller and all seems to be working correctly. Looking forward to starting to carve.

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards.


Happy to help, and that you are up and running.

I should mention that your calm, polite, and patient seeking and receiving of support on this forum is also appreciated.

Enjoy your machining.