Alarm Probe error

Having some issues with setting up the touch probe. Whenever I home the machine and move the spindle to position, when I start probing i immediately get a probe alarm on the Masso.

Also let me know if this is normal. There’s no connection with the probe just the collect.

It looks like your probe and magnet wires are reversed. The magnet toggling the Masso input when it comes in contact with the collet nut (which I assume is grounded) shows that the magnet, rather than the touch plate, is being pulled high inside of the controller.

You can verify this with a voltmeter, if you have one. I’d figure out where the wires connect on the masso controller and reverse them. You could also clip and splice the wires to correct this. I wouldnt recommend trying to remove the contacts from the connector, unless you have new contacts to replace them.


Hey Evens,

if you replace the hand trim router, which is a class II double isolated device, that therefore needs the magnet end of the XYZ touch plate to make the collet and the bit part of an electrical circuit for the probing to work, by a spindle, which has to be properly grounded, you don’t need the magnet end of the XYZ touch plate anymore.

Furthermore, for probing with the XYZ touch plate to continue to function, you must make sure that the other wire is not connected to ground, but to the probe output. It may be that you need to use the other touch plate input pin on the CNC controller to connect your touch plate. See here for explanation.

Welcome to the forum!

Thank you for the quick response, I swapped the wires and it seems to work.

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