Any hobbyist grade solutions for adding automatic tool changes to onefinity?

Quite a while ago a 1F owner shared his modified setup on Facebook - Maxwell Noah Kirsner.
If I recall he used the Mechatron ATC adapter @Aiph5u mentioned above, but he custom mounted it and the spindle to a RoverCNC Z axis mount, and I think he did use two brackets given the height of the combined spindle/ATC. He however also switched out his controller to a Masso Touch, which allowed him to fully automate the process. I have a Masso G3, and the controller makes the configuration and set up of the ATC very easy. When I can afford it, I plan to add an ATC spindle - I have been looking at the offerings of Jianken Electric Motor Company. It is a fair expense and level of commitment as it also involves the cost of the pneumatics and the associated electronics to get it to work.

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