App can’t run on PC

I get a message saying “This app can’t run on this PC.” when I try to retrieve tool paths I have uploaded from Vcarve Pro to a flash drive. I think this a message from Microsoft Windows. I have confirmed with Vectric that it is not one theirs. Has anyone else gotten this message? Is there a work-around? Is it just plain better to hook my computer to the control box and run my programs from it? Thanks, Mark

Hi Mark!

Newcomer to the forum here!

I think you’re spot-on that this is a Windows message - sounds like it doesn’t know that it should open in Vectrec.

Try right-clicking the file, and look for “Open With…” There should be a list of programs - if Vectrec is there, great! If not, you’ll have to tell Windows where the executable for Vectrec is installed.

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What is the extension of the file?
Is it the .nc files you are trying to retrieve? ( by double click I assume? )

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Hi folks, after getting the compatibility issue I originally had sorted out on this, I am now getting the “App can’t run on this machine” message again with toolpaths I have created since upgrading to V12 of Vectric. Is there a compatibility issue with V12 and Windows? Seems remarkable if so. Any help is appreciated.

Hi Mark,

Have you told Windows to associate your tool path files with Vcarve 12? When I associated the two, I learned that Vcarve 12 can’t read a NGC file.

The NGC file Vcarve creates is essentially a text file designed to be read by the CNC router.

If I tell Windows to associate all my NGC files with the Vcarve app, I get this error message when double clicking. This error message is from Vcarve, not Windows. Vcarve can’t read a NGC file.

To avoid the error message, I have told Windows to associate NGC files with the NOTEPAD app. Now when I double click, I see this:

Let me add that I’m new to Onefinity machines. If other users have found a better way to deal with this, please let me know.



Hi Mark

I’m new to CNC but I’ve been in IT for over 30 years. When you’re trying to open these toolpaths, are you just doubleclicking them? If so, try opening them from within your software. File —> Open and then search your computer for where they are. If they’re compatible it should open right up. You may have to adjust the file types that it’s looking for tho. Hope this helps, Also, try what apidocumentationplox said earlier in the thread to associate those files with your software.


Thanks for yourresponse. I think I’ve worked out the problem by saving my project with the .crv file extension. Fngets crossed!

Good luck with your CNC projects.


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