Aspire?Vcarve advise asked

Hi all,

I am trying to carve an fuselage for an rc plane outof XPS.
I have imported a stl-file in vcarve (8.5) and choosed for Finish machining toolpath and then offset, climb. It came out great, only at first i didn,t notice the triangles that the toolpath creates:

Then i tried “raster”, no triangles but the result was not as good as with offset.

Anyone an idea to get rid of the triangle shape?

Thanks in advance,

Decreasing the stepover for the finishing tool that you’re using should take care of most of the tooling marks.

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Thank you for your quick response Dan! I just decreased the stepover to 1% but the toolpath still has this triange schape… The end result shoul d like attached.

What type of bit are you using? A 1% stepover will make for a very long carve. I may go down to 7 or 8% with a ballnose bit on highly detailed 3D carves, and they won’t need to be sanded after machining.

The actual toolpath will have a triangle shape, if you’re using an offset toolpath. The toolpath shape will be roughly the same shape as whatever you’re carving. A raster toolpath should go line by line across the part and won’t look triangular.

If you’re just concerned about the triangular shaped toolpath and not the results of the toolpath simulation, I wouldn’t bother setting the stepover too low. If the simulation looks good, I wouldn’t put much thought into how the toolpath itself looks.


Hi Dan,

Thank you for your advice!
I will try this…

Best regards,

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